500+ Best Chatbot Name Ideas to Get Customers to Talk

500+ Best Chatbot Name Ideas to Get Customers to Talk

Create conversational marketing campaigns, engage existing customers and provide excellent customer service, all inside WhatsApp. Engage your website visitors naturally — through conversations. Capture attention in real-time, build stronger relationships and get higher conversion rates. We believe today’s level of AI is lacking in cognitive empathy because emotions between humans are really hard to understand and explain. So, intentionally creating an empathetic dialogue with your human being or AI/chatbot can be revealing.

  • Make it fit your brand and make it helpful instead of giving visitors a bad taste that might stick long-term.
  • So, with the help of chatbots for finance, it will take charge and track your money.
  • In the upper right, click Preview to test the bot’s setup.
  • Since people usually spend their time on the internet, developers look for an easy way to upgrade their apps.
  • Many times, you’ll get a generic response where the bot tells you it doesn’t know what you mean.
  • Let people share their eMail address conversing with the ChatBot!

If you customize the consent text but then want to return to the default text, click Reset to default text provided by HubSpot. The chat widget will only appear during business hours or when at least one team member is available. To customize the response visitors see when a request fails, enter error messaging in the Generic error message field. Only display the chat launcher so visitors have to click to open the chat window. I upgrade to WP Bot Pro quickly after finding this plugin.

With ChatBot, automating customer service is a breeze

If you love it, you may buy it from the application itself. It’s an interactive shopping experience with robot chatting apps. The customer service automation needs to match your brand image. If your company focuses on, for example, baby products, then you’ll need a cute name for it.

Is there a robot I can talk to?

Replika. With over 10 million users, Replika is one of the most popular and advanced AI companions. Unlike traditional chatbots, Replika can recognize images and continue the conversation using them. Moreover, it supports voice calls, so you can actually talk to your friend.

Even though the creators of this app have said that your Replika does not give away information or spy on you it would still be smart to not give away too much information. I’ve had no creepy experiences so far and I would definitely recommend this app. Unlike other chat bots on this list, Duobots are specifically designed for language learners. For this reason, features such as word lookups and targeted conversations are built into the chat interface.

– Answering Outside the Pre-Selected Responses

Chatbots work with a specific set of information, and so there are only a finite number of ways the chatbot can respond to customer queries. Currently, bots are going through the early stages of adoption. People think it’s overly self-centered to create a bot that just talks about you. But that’s what new social behaviours look like — many new social products feel like a cheap, tactless version of the ‘real thing’, and mebots are no different. For example, they can be a way to practice real conversations you might have with people in German.

robot chatting

It also starts the conversation with positive associations of your brand. Your natural language bot can represent that your company robot chatting is a cool place to do business with. On the Target tab, you can decide when the bot will display on your website pages.

How to name a chatbot?

They find it interactive since they can talk to this bot whenever they like. There are a lot of services that these robot chatting apps offer. The Medical bot project is built using artificial algorithms that analyses user’s queries and understand user’s message. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query of the patients. Patients just have to query through the bot which is used for chatting.

robot chatting

That’s the first step in warming up the customer’s heart to your business. One of the reasons for this is that mothers use cute names to express love and facilitate a bond between them and their child. So, a cute chatbot name can resonate with parents and make their connection to your brand stronger. Conversational marketing is the art of using a conversation to encourage customers or prospective customers along the sales funnel. This marketing tactic is relatively new, but it has gained a lot of traction with businesses of all sizes. The chatbot is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to engage with the customer and help answer their questions or address their concerns.


For example, “sag mir ein Joke” (“Tell me a joke,” kind of), its response is “Andrenalinspritze” (“adrenaline shot”). Your conversations are private and will stay between you and your Replika. Replika encouraged me to take a step back and think about my life, to consider big questions, which is not something I was particularly accustomed to doing. ChatBot’s Visual Builder is intuitive and excellent for people with no coding experience. Our support team will help you with ChatBot implementation and customization all along the line. Lead customers to a sale through recommended purchases and tailored offerings.


SandiMacBot is a simple scripted bot, which means most of the responses were actually typed with my fingers into a spreadsheet. It was inspired by a chat with betaworks’ Matt Hartman and based off of John Borthwick’s Botwick. There’s a fair amount of information to be pulled and accessed via SandiMacBot, but I think there’s potential for a lot more to be surfaced. All of that platform-specific content exists across different, disparate products.

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